Gutter renovation
Project: Renovation gutter with Liquid Rubber HBS200
Description: Liquid Rubber can be applied for many constrution purposes. From below ground to all the way up to the highest point of a construction. At this project, our applicator could not have a fear of hights. The job was to renovate the gutter of a church tower.
The concrete gutter was leaking for a long time. Because of the hight and the complex corners in the gutter,
Liquid Rubber HBS200 is the right product. The only thing needed, are a few buckets of Liquid Rubber and a roll of Geotextile. No need to carry havy rolls of bitumen or EPDM up to this hight.
After the surface has been cleaned thoroughly,
Liquid Rubber HBS200 was applied in the up-stand from the horizontal surface. Geotextile was placed to ensure a good bridging between the two surfaces. Afterwards, the entire gutter wast treated with a 2mm thick layer of
Liquid Rubber HBS200.
A pretty easy way to waterproof this gutter. During the job, the applicator had a stunning view!